Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Future of Whatever

The future of Whatever
Wesch kept me interested in the speech, with all of the clips and media that he used. I didn't see the connection with all of it, the books, whatever, and youtube all put together. But I don't blame him for that, I had to read the book "A Brave New World" in a lit class and I didn't really follow it, or understand it.

I do like what I heard about "whatever." There was a lot of truth to what he said. A lot of times it's used to show that one doesn't care about the situation or conversation, or what ever they are in. And it's also used to show that one thinks highly of themselves and feels that they should not have to listen to, pay attention to, care about, or acknowledge something/someone that they don't want to. Hopefully it will evolve to mean "I'll do whatever it takes" to make a difference, change, or impact on the world.

The videos on youtube, I've found that some of them are entertaining, some are educational, some are inspirational, some are just for fun and some are just stupid. I think that the educational, or inspirational ones could be used in the classrooms to help illustrate a lesson.


  1. You wrote:"Hopefully it will evolve to mean 'I'll do whatever it takes' to make a difference, change, or impact on the world. "

    How hopeful are you? Is it at all realistic? Think about your experiences in this class. What evidence, possibilities do they provide?

  2. I'm really hopeful. The whole reason I've ever wanted to be a teacher is to make a difference in children's lives. I think it is possible! with all of the ways of communication and ways we can get in touch with people of the world we should be able to make some kind of positive difference in someone's life.

  3. I too am hopeful. I think that all of this technology has meaning and can be used to better lives and classrooms.
