Sunday, November 22, 2009

7 Brilliant things Teachers do with Technology

Doug Johnson
I decided not to focus on the 7 stupid things because I figure there are probably more than 7 stupid things a teacher ( or anyone ) could do, and no matter how much we talk about it people will still be stupid.

The reason I picked the 7 Brilliant things is because I very much agree with the post. I know I have a lot to learn about technology but I do believe that it can be used to empower students and give them motivation to do what they love to do, to learn! Technology can be used to bring more creativity into the classroom. We can use it to communicate with parents by posting assignments, announcements, and updating them on their child's progress in the classroom. We can use technology to reach people all around the world. I need to embrace technology and encourage (which probably won't take much) my students to embrace it as well.

Please read about the 7 brilliant things teachers do with Technology yourself. And get more information from