Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mr winkle blog

This video is sad. Imagine going to sleep of 100 years and missing everything. You have no idea what's been going on around you and you feel completely lost in everything. You don't know what to do in your office. Everyone is bustling about around you and you're spinning around in circles. You don't know what the doctors are doing to you at the hospital. You're completely lost in the world around you. But the saddest part would be that you feel right at home in the schools. They're just like you remember them.

If you're lost in the world around you, and there are so many technical advances, why are our schools the same. Why are the kids still coming and sitting and listening to the teachers yap all day. Why are they not up and doing and learning and participating with hands on activities that will contribute to their life in the world and help them contribute to the rest of the world?... it's something to think about.


  1. Right! I think you had a good understanding of the movie.

  2. Why, that's the question. You know who posted the previous comment, right? The author of Mr. W Wakes!
